
In March 23, 2019, the founding ceremony of the Golden Elephant Xiang Tiandi tourist resort was laun

Time:2024/03/27 14:50:41

 In March 23, 2019, the foundation laying ceremony of the golden tourist elephant holiday resort in the golden palace of New Zealand was held in Laos Tianhu international tourism area.
 Laos Province, state and county government leadership; Lao Dan SA Wang group leader; Golden Elephant Xintiandi chairman; Guangdong Zhongyu business travel service limited president and assistant.

 Hundreds of guests, news media and engineering construction personnel, including relevant leaders of subordinate enterprises, witnessed the important historical moment of the commencement of another large-scale entertainment and tourism project in Tianhu, and opened up the great future of tourism in Laos.

Foundation laying ceremony

This important news was reported by Lao media and published in newspapers.
